Rainier Daze Music


Rainier Daze grew up in their local church choir, sang with another church choir at Lackland AFB Tx, and an acapella choir at Sheppard AFB Tx, before getting the opportunity to attend the Air Force’s command level Tops In Blues Talent Training Camp for a season. It was one of the highlights of their military career... as they’d dreamt about it, since childhood. 

The early musical influences for singing were Gospel, of course, Country, Country/Pop, Pop, Rock, R&B/Soul, and Techno/EDM/House music. Songwriting influences were a little more vast including all of the aforementioned along with Big Band, Orchestral & Classical (especially Baroque,) Jazz, Funk, Hip Hop, Rap, Salsa, Latino Music, Reggae, Middle Eastern Prayer songs… etc. If it has some sort of melody to it, they'll be glued to it and often tune everything and everyone else out and into the background! Their songwriting journey began by writing deep, raw, emotional stuff that reached into the depths of the soul to let the “suffering” know they are never alone… a passion derived from them being drawn to the work of Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa, since childhood, as well as Lady Di (formerly known as, “Princess Diana.”) 

They look forward to sharing their music with you and the world, (a select few within collaborative efforts with other songwriters, composers, arrangers, musicians, producers, and sound engineers from around the world…) to bring higher vibrations to all, through acknowledging we are never alone, despite our current life circumstances. "Things we experience will pass, perhaps painful, like a kidney stone; but, they will pass..." By: Unknown.

This spiritual enlightenment journey was born out of the way music is something most people love in some form. Why? Because it is the one universal thing that helps us to FEEL we are never alone in whatever life circumstance comes our way. When an artist lays their heart, their soul, bare on the floor in front of us... there's a moment all of our hearts stop beating; then, realign and beat in sync with that artist's heart... however briefly... and as we begin to breathe again, we know... The Divine sent the melodies and words, the voices, of connection we didn't even know we needed in that moment. We can only hope you experience that journey with us... and "break the chains," any feelings of isolation or lack of self-worth, within you.

Music is the quickest way to connect with another, emotionally, for as the adage goes... "When words fail, music speaks..." paraphrased from Hans Christian Andersen's "What The Moon Saw" where the quote was "When words fail, sound can often speak."

We hope you'll join us on the spiritual enlightenment journey we've begun through music. We've always conceived the way back to the highest mind, heart, body, and soul connectivity…. the journey to the truly Unified Self… was via the integration of the five senses. When we are unified within the Self, we can more authentically and vulnerably greet others from within that Sacred Space. Most of our music will also have positive vibrational frequencies embedded within the songs. Feel free to let us know what you think about our music. If you'd like to join our mailing list, simply email us at the email address listed in this website's "contact" area with the subject line “MUSIC EMAIL LIST SIGNUP” to receive emails about our upcoming music releases. For this spiritual enlightenment journey, we decided to use the essential oils and brand we already had experience using. It does not mean we endorse this company, their policies, procedures, their business/hiring/firing practices, treatment of their employees, independent contractors… nor any of the independent contractors'. We were not, are not, and will not be any company's "brand endorser." We are a “regular person,” which means the products we endorse are products we have actually purchased, utilize(d), and give/gave our honest feedback on how they affect and effect our life, at the time of our recommendation. We also inner-stand (and recommend the same approach for everyone,) companies, CEOs, COOs, their managers, their independent distributors and/or contractors, and their policies, procedures, treatment of employees, consumers, etc. change over time and are often not ever fully disclosed until whistleblowers are brave enough to speak about it. As such, we ask for and do our best to grant Grace Space to those we may suggest who at some point are “outed” or revealed to BE “less than stellar…” or who harm others by not compensating people proportionately to the profits they help these people and companies acquire. Going forward, we plan to do our part to truly perpetuate supporting smaller, creator owner operated businesses… to raise "the little trons." It's time we stop feeding "the greed machines," listen to the stories of the little people from their own mouths… rather than fueling the companies and industries who profit off the life stories and losses others have endured. When we stop watching movies and reading compilation books, and instead… simply engage in actual conversations with those we encounter in our everyday who LIVE these “stories” we seek from books and on-screen… well, what a truly BEautifully tapestry and kaleidoscope of brilliant colors and connection we actually invite into our daily lives. We hope you enjoy your journey with us!  

 We are grateful for those of you who choose to spend some of your time listening to the music brought to and through us for your, hopefully, listening pleasure!

With All Of Our Love,


All original blogs, vlogs, song/album art covers, lyrics, songs/sound recordings, and performances on https://channeltherain.com and the Rainier Daze and/or Rainier Daze Music Facebook page are registered © 2020-2024 Rainier Daze, with additional copyright holders on collaborative projects.


***Free downloads are offered "free" for personal use only (they do require disclosure of an email for us to send the song to you; but, we do not spam email, nor do we sell your information,) not public use, nor for creating meditations or works to be sold independently or for use as part of any paid classes (including those payments classified as "love offerings,") courses, or programs anyone offers. Those uses are prohibited, without a written licensing contract from Rainier Daze, or the authorized song licensing administrator on some of the collaborative songs.

For song licensing information, please contact us at Rainierdaze@gmail.com.*** with "Song Licensing Request" as your subject line to ensure it isn't flagged as spam.

Note: We are/were an independent distributor of Young Living Essential Oil products and of blends made with some of their products, who does not actively recruit a "downline." Feel free to reach out with any questions about the oils we used to enhance our own spiritual enlightenment journey... inviting the heightening of vibrational energies through the use of essential oils into our meditation, music composition and production, songwriting, musicianship, and spiritual growth learning processes... these past couple of years... and onward.

We make no claims of the music or oils we share or recommend "fixing or healing" any emotional, physical, spiritual, mental, relational, or other issues/ailments as those types of claims have not been evaluated or substantiated by the FDA... which we also acknowledge has not been a valid health protection entity for decades, nor has the EPA... as they are agenda'd agencies; and laws and regulations are steered by lobbyists and black money. It's always prudent to research/investigate your own health issues and talk to functional medicine/health care professionals.

We do not BElieve people are broken, nor do they need fixed, healed, rescued, or saved. We BElieve we've merely lost connection with the unified heart, mind, body, and soul due to external noise and influences. Silencing those external influences and acknowledging, reconnecting, reunifying, and re-embracing the whisper deep within us of whom we always knew of ourselves to BE... is what will create harmony within and around us. This is not "building walls to keep others out because we have trust issues," as many who aren't used to us establishing and maintaining boundaries would like to insinuate; because, they no longer benefit or gain from boundaries we didn't implement previously due to social and religious training. This is honoring all of whom we are, our needs and wants equally mattering and even more so within and for our own lives, and identifying for others what is required and where the door is... should they choose to enter or if they want to re-enter our lives in a mutually supportive and beneficial way. No more, no less.

Let's drop all of the judgmental, divisive, binary verbiage the realms of sanctioned education, organized religion, the medical industry, the author/coach/mentor/spiritual industries have been using to claim we have everything we need within us to BE of value... yet they continue to exploitively dictate what we "should/could/would" be... if we buy their programs, take their drugs... to become or reach "goals" THEY dictate we SHOULD want for determining what "wealth" or "success" means to us. It's more than okay to have a small, intimate, supportive circle and to not seek fame or financial wealth... over our inner peace, spiritual health and wealth. 

If we are truly on an enlightenment path, we see the value or “wealth” of the spirit realm is the lessons we can barter to learn from and with one another, not 3D coinage. We also see where sadly in the 3D focused programming, Fear Of Missing Out tactics are often still utilized to deem everyone's spiritual path must look the same, be done on a certain timeline or in a certain timeframe or way… rather than BEing the individual journey the greatest minds in history have proven to BE most proficient in silencing the "deafening noise” of too many voices speaking, with no one able to truly listen and discern anything of value. Our journey is our own, as is yours. Take time to enjoy it, the journey is the greatest gift. 

(Disclaimer: The people in/on the majority of our cover or album art are models and are photographs and/or artworks we've edited and licensed from Canva.com and/or other entities… which is why they are included under/within our copyright protections.)  

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Enhance Your Listening Experience

Below, we list the title of the song(s); the essential oil(s) we feel best compliment the intention behind the songs we've created or the few we've collaborated on creating, along with a blog explanation of our experience along that song's creative and our self re-discovery/uncovering processes. We hope you will feel just as enlightened, while you listen to the songs and partake of adding the oils, (if you choose,) as we have in creating the enhanced suggested experience. For those of you who've been "drawn to our presence..." music and essential oils, compliment our faith practices... to enhance or help us more fully embody all of whom we are.

As "quick guide" reference for those who are seeking a variety of instrumental meditative, stuck-mindedness clearing pieces... we've created a variety of length pieces, including some  under 10 minute pieces, within the blogs containing the song cover art on the left to make those easier to find; but, don't forget to check out the BEautiful longer instrumental meditation or full meditation with all of Linda Alario's Sound Healing Implements embedded within River Of Release, too! Linda's work was instrumental in guiding our own spiritual enlightenment journey throughout all of 2021, with so many life and world changes happening.

The following blogs share essential oil  product recommendations we use personally for enhancing our Spiritual Oneness experience, in concert with our music. We find the diffusion and/or topical application of essential oils with a carrier oil assists us in centering and grounding ourselves via the different frequencies of the oils, thereby raising our vibrational energy. (Most essential oils need to be mixed with a carrier oil for topical application to reduce the risk of sensitivities.) Be sure to read each oil's label for directions about photosensitivity and proper usage. Always consult your doctor before trying anything new to avoid medication interactions or health complications due to each individual's medical or health issues. Each individual's experience varies in the ability for the body to properly process the oils. We are not medical doctors, therefore we urge you to consult your own holistic, naturopathic practitioner, or physicians before using them.) 

Thank you for honoring us with your time, ears, and/or financial support... whether being our "guinea pig" and listening to aid us with "yay or nays" as to whether we should go ahead with production of a song based on a very rough scratch vocal version... through purchasing our music, or direct donations to help pay for maintaining our equipment and ongoing classes; so, we may continue to bring you and others life enhancing opportunities through our music. We are so GRATEFUL you are a GIFT to us!!! Together, we are little people... joined in BEing greatness in the collective heart of Divine Oneness, doing things we feel called in order to uplift others in need of knowing they are not alone in their times of struggle. THANK YOU, especially to those of you who donated so much of your time, talent, and treasures/Gifts to bringing this vision to its fruition! 





This track is the bonus celebratory track to end our website spiritual enlightenment through original music and essential oil blend pairing recommendations series with a rounded 90 tracks... having composed and produced 85 of them as solo projects!!! 

We thank those who helped on the collaborative projects, those who followed and supported us along our journey back to our unified Sacred Self!

We've learned along our journey that there are those who will mirror things within us that we need to process in furtherance of understanding our thoughts, our behaviors, our actions, our patterns... and we will trigger the same in them. We can each choose to do the deep dive within or continue to project our own insecurities, shame, and blame onto others. 

We've seen how we and others deem we think we know what others are thinking and think little of ourselves; so, we all project our baggage onto others because societal systems, the governmental agencies, Big Pharm, and the medical industry have taught us terminology like diagnoses gives people the right to judge others as "less than." But, the fact is we all fit those definitions and labels we use to judge others to hide our own shame and blame in our own ways, rather than allowing ourselves and one another the Vulnerable Sacred Spaces we all 
(mostly and secretly,) crave. 

It's always difficult to find people, places, and things who help us feel safe deep within. Part of the reason, is many of us didn't grow up within the confines of healthy family dynamics... which led us to either follow in those same patterns, or shut ourselves entirely down at some point along the path of our personal pain and traumatic experiences. 

My hope is that perhaps through sharing a bit of my own self rediscovery journey, the statistics that led a psychologist in my mid twenties to be shocked I was still alive and not on drugs, in jail, or dead... will reduce; by simply giving ourself and others the courage to step outside of our comfort zones and begin allowing those who truly feel safe, the opportunity to hold some of the weight of the soul, the heart, the body, and the mind... for us... if only to grab a few moments of bonafide rest in the comfort of a great nappy nap. If we don't learn to put that weight down from time-to-time, it will take us down prematurely. Taking one's own life or that of another is never good. 

WE. ARE. ENOUGH. AND. ALL. WORTHY. OF. LOVE. Of and for SELF and others. THANK YOU, for BEing!!!

This song was recorded in the 432Hz range so please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to it, as it may induce sleep or trance-like states in some living BE-ings. Consult your wellness practitioners before listening... if you, or any pets, have any brain health or seizure concerns. For optimum affects/effects, listen to it through headphones at a lower volume than you would listen to most music.

As always, we thank you for taking the time to spend part of your day within our music and/or blogs... as a moment or measure of your own self-care practices. Be Well, Dearly BeLoved Raindrops, Who Fuel Our Soul.


Red Cedar Bliss Essential Oil Blend

This is the last track in our spiritual enlightenment website series featuring original music and pairing them with an essential oil. I/we should say, it's the last track with an oily recommended pairing on our website at https://channeltherain.com. 

We have created a bonus track to complete this series with 90 tracks having been a part of our own spiritual enlightenment journey! We created a few more on the side for certain holidays, special projects, and for our upcoming album; but 90 is the final number for this passion project we dreamed of creating just a couple of years ago. We thank everyone who has been a part of this creative and following/supportive journey... as we could not have done it without each of you pushing us and sometimes carrying us, along with our angels, guides, ancestors, and Source/ the Divine... towards the finish line. It is with great Bliss we say... "Thank you... and... Goodnight." Lol. 

We are grateful for all of the lessons learned about ourselves and others along our great journey... and recommend everyone use whatever art form speaks to you to "take the dive" inward, to rediscover, reconnect, and reunify the heart, mind, body, and soul spaces within... to the Sacred Self. It won't be pretty and it will get brutal; but, may you come out with a fervent sense of BEing who your child self always knew you to BE. Allow that inner child to find/live into... his/her/their... ultimate Bliss! We recommend Red Cedar Bliss Essential Oil Blend for this song's pairing.

This song was recorded in the 432Hz range so please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to it, as it may induce sleep or trance-like states in some living BE-ings. Consult your wellness practitioners before listening... if you, or any pets, have any brain health or seizure concerns. For optimum affects/effects, listen to it through headphones at a lower volume than you would listen to most music.

As always, we thank you for taking the time to spend part of your day within our music and/or blogs... as a moment or measure of your own self-care practices. Be Well, Dearly BeLoved Raindrops, Who Fuel Our Soul.


Wings Essential Oil Blend

This track was created as we settle into the realization we have nearly completed this website spiritual enlightenment journey through original music and essential oils. It hasn't been easy, nor pleasant... as a great deal of it was diving deeply into identifying a lot of problems areas within us that we needed to dissect how certain experiences, traumas, and brain functioning affected and effected our thoughts, our behaviors, our relationships, etc. and process through old "battle wounds/scars." 

Another struggle, in nearing the completion of this project, has been seeing a greater height or "field of vision" or view of the things we've experienced along the way. Though this was a planned two year project, we see how we (once again) allowed people (who felt entitled) to push us into dropping our own plans and goals for this past year... into completing this project in nearly only one year. More and more we see and do not appreciate how people think they have the right to dictate the who, what, where, when, why, how, and to what extent... other people do things, like what was supposed to solely be a passion project for us in helping us use our original music and essential oils to guide us, (in our own time,) towards uncovering, reconnecting, and reunifying us with our heart, mind, body, and soul spaces... a journey back to our Sacred Self. 

The further along into the project we progressed, the more the entitlement mindsets of others from various online communities came crashing inward, without regard to the fact we were doing this as our full-time job, while trying to take time to DEEPLY, HEALTHILY, and THOROUGHLY digest and process "all of the bits..." with our only intention BEing the mindset of personal growth as our goal and reward. We regret permitting others the space to "taint the experience" for us, towards the end, "rewriting" our initially intended goal of completing and releasing our first album, by the end of this year... and learning to traditionally play more instruments, and taking two years to accomplish THIS website series project. But, we live and learn. 

What we've learned most is to keep our mouth shut about our ambitions, dreams, goals, and projects; and to shut everyone out of our future creative processes and endeavors... except the handful of folks who never wanted or expected anything from us; but, were simply there on the sidelines with us to support us. We've also learned (over the past several years, not solely from this particular passion project,) is to not endorse any other person or products; because it seems nothing is ever "good enough," "enough/adequate support," etc. People will always want more than we are able to give, regardless of our health or realized self care needs. It is up to us to learn how our body and our brain best or most optimally function and it is our sole responsibility to our Sacred Self to not allow others to deter our self actualization in seeing its fruition... for the optimal "life line" of our soul. It's okay for others to not understand it, or us; but, it is not okay for others to demand we disrespect what we've learned and know about ourself and our self care needs. We always respected and resonated more with artists who "went their own way," went "against the grain," who "blazed new trails" to inspire others. We hope to one day BE the embodiment of that for others, too, by respecting our deepest, inner, truest Self. 

It is NEVER okay to push people with neurodivergent brain processing to "fit into" the archaic, patriarchal societal "demands" world we were never designed to BE a part. It is not okay to label us as dumb, lazy, unmotivated, not goal-driven, easily distracted, not achieving our fullest potential, etc. Just because YOU haven't learned to understand we function differently because it's how some brains are wired to operate, does NOT make us less than. It simply means those in the neurotypical community may BE "less willing" (aka... refuse...) to acknowledge your sanctioned and societally entrained "authorized judgment" patterns. But, the only way we bridge that divide is to first see and acknowledge it, just as we've had to learn and acknowledge we have a neurodivergent processing brain type. It doesn't make either type "less than." It simply means we learn, process, and excel at different things... which benefits everyone, if we let it.

We cannot ever deeply know if we will inspire others to truly live emboldened, to be unabashedly creatively themselves; but, we can try to lead by letting them know they aren't alone, if they want to BE that unbridled childlike curiositor... whether through creating music or other art... or whatever the passionate area of interest. We can simply encourage everyone to open their own Wings... and soar! Free. Fly. Fly. Free. We used Wings Essential Oil Blend during our creative process for this track. 

This song was recorded in the 432Hz range so please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to it, as it may induce sleep or trance-like states in some living BE-ings. Consult your wellness practitioners before listening... if you, or any pets, have any brain health or seizure concerns. For optimum affects/effects, listen to it through headphones at a lower volume than you would listen to most music.

As always, we thank you for taking the time to spend part of your day within our music and/or blogs... as a moment or measure of your own self-care practices. Be Well, Dearly BeLoved Raindrops, Who Fuel Our Soul.

Level Up

Roots Essential Oil Blend

This track was created as a self reminder of all of the "little life droplets" that had to occur in Divine orchestration in order to create the waterside meditative "spots of creative inspiration perfection," we often appreciate most.

Some of those "little life droplets" may come in sprinkles, drizzles, or light rain showers... while others may arrive as torrential downpours that may or may not cause flooding.

Just as in nature, the same may arise within our own life experiences whether emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually... or in any combination thereof. It's up to us to allow it all to flow and to divert what we can or must... in order to get through each day; and, allow for any excess to become a place of respite, reflection, and to provide for the growth of ourselves and/or one another... our surroundings... when it might be needed. We can choose to use it all to plant firm footsteps on the adjacent soil as Roots to Level Up. We used Roots Essential Oil Blend during the creative process for this track.

This song was recorded in the 432Hz range so please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to it, as it may induce sleep or trance-like states in some living BE-ings. Consult your wellness practitioners before listening... if you, or any pets, have any brain health or seizure concerns. For optimum affects/effects, listen to it through headphones at a lower volume than you would listen to most music.

As always, we thank you for taking the time to spend part of your day within our music and/or blogs... as a moment or measure of your own self-care practices. Be Well, Dearly BeLoved Raindrops, Who Fuel Our Soul.


3 Wise Men Essential Oil Blend

This track was created as a self reminder to remain in Awareness of all of the lessons we've learned along our website journey, a chronicle of our own spiritual enlightenment journey through original music and essential oil pairings. 

This has been a journey of many highs and insipid lows. It's been a journey towards unburying more traumatic memories beyond those our conscience mind remembered; discovering multiple additional brain health issues, reading, studying, and following social media "gurus" who openly share their own issues and ongoing struggles with those same health concerns. 

THIS, ALL in an effort to acknowledge we are FAR from "perfect;" (as if there were such a thing,) but more importantly, to actually work towards an affective and effective inner-standing of the inner workings and challenges (what most neurotypicals and the medical industry might scoff and deem "failings") of our own cognitive processes. 

The aforementioned failure, in fact, was societal "boxation" or "lineation" of people and how we should see, think, interpret, act or "function" as though we are all robots... despite the fact we can clearly see we all have different "wrappers" on the outside, unless we are twins, triplets, etc. Yet, it's incredibly telling, (of western society in particular,) just how we simply don't even see how we have and remain programmed by multi-layered systems designed for our containment, at-the-ready judgmental divisiveness, and failure with regards to one another and humanity, at large.

Sometimes, friends don't even want to see when they and/or their friends gang-stalking behaviors were not in fact them "being a good friend;" but instead, repetitive patterns our brain recognized... which drew me/us to tune in to social media more simply to try to "identify" the pattern we couldn't initially "name" due to alexithymia issues. Most, incorrectly assumed we were "addicted to social media," when in actuality, though it can be one of the ways we "stim," our non-neurotypical brain type is "addicted" to trying to identify the patterns it sees and name or identify them...as part of one of the brain health issues that we now understand plagued us, our thought and behavior patterns, and our relationships our entire life.

It took us a long time and a lot of work to uncover, discover, and inner-stand these and many more things which we know are just the precipice of what we are certain will continue to be a lifelong learning journey towards reconnecting our heart, mind, body, and soul towards reunifying the connection with and to the Sacred Self. 

We opened to the awareness the patterns our brain saw; but, couldn't name, were folks claiming to be "being a good friend." Yet, what our non-neurotypical brain assessed is: "this is an all-too-familiar pattern of lying and  manipulation by a group of people... not someone approaching us "correctly" in an effort to "be a good friend." When a person has had multiple chances to "come clean," and they choose not to do so... but, continue to "play games" that person and their friends are not honoring you/me/us/themselves as humans; but, is embracing the same harmful pattern your brain recognizes from previous failed relationships. When people try to poison your mind against other people, especially people they don't even know, we now recognize that is a manipulation and often an isolation tactic. Those are never healthy, no matter what anyone claims. Manipulation and isolation tactics are ALWAYS control mechanisms.

The Awareness is once recognized, do we permit the disrespectful patterns of the past to re-enter... and continue... or do we instill and uphold healthy boundaries we've learned... to honor ourself, first and always, versus what some want to call or view as "love." In Awareness, we recognize and honor... we are all on learning journeys. We used 3 Wise Men Essential Oil Blend, during the contemplative creative process of this track.

This song was recorded in the 432Hz range so please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to it, as it may induce sleep or trance-like states in some living BE-ings. Consult your wellness practitioners before listening... if you, or any pets, have any brain health or seizure concerns. For optimum affects/effects, listen to it through headphones at a lower volume than you would listen to most music.

As always, we thank you for taking the time to spend part of your day within our music and/or blogs... as a moment or measure of your own self-care practices. Be Well, Dearly BeLoved Raindrops, Who Fuel Our Soul.


Season Essentials Essential Oil Blend

This track was created as seasonal changes are occurring within the USA, as we've been doing our annual reflection upon the lessons and changes we've experienced within our life, over this past year... or two. 

As the trees, other plants, creatures, and critters continue their metamorphoses, so do we, in our own way, within our human form. Personally, we've experienced and continue to experience immeasurable challenging growth opportunities as we've learned more about how things like under-diagnosed Complex PTSD, undiagnosed autism, creative and spiritual giftedness... and the shaming and blaming daily rituals within our home, society, medical, and religious institutions led us into a lifetime of over 50 years of masking... and how difficult it has been to see it, acknowledge it, and embrace those willing to gently and sometimes... "punch us in the face" with those traits and behaviors that we needed to address as we continue to remove each brick we'd meticulously laid during those 50+ years in order to try to protect ourselves and survive each day. 

In remembering a psychologist in our mid twenties being shocked we were even alive, back then; and considering everything else that we've experienced since then, we know how much we depended on our angels, guides, and ancestors to lift us off the floor and carry us through a great deal of our life. 

We'd also like to acknowledge all of those who've taken the time out of their schedules and lives to be our earth angels and guides throughout this gruelingly arduous "unbecoming" process, most especially, this past year. 

We apologize to each of you we've spoken words and behaviors of harmful heart... and know those are simply words; so, we know the only way to truly convey our gratitude is to implement and emulate the lessons you have all graciously afforded us the opportunity to learn. 

We honor, too, knowing we need to maintain healthy boundaries and a small, tight, trusted circle... in order to hold sacred space for our now known extended needs to prevent sensory overload from the four aforementioned issues. 

We honor that we need more self care than we used to acknowledge... which just may be the biggest metamorphoses of all, for us. Most of you don''t know... for decades, we've "put on a smile and a brave face;" but, combat more emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual pain than perhaps the majority of the population. In fact, that psychologist we saw in our mid twenties even stated... "...most people who've been through what you've been through, would either be on drugs, in jail, or dead by this age! How did you turn out so good?" I couldn't answer then; but, now... "But by the grace of the Divine and my angels, guides, and ancestors carrying me most of the way through my life." Seriously, I have felt my angels surrounding me my entire life. 

If anyone else struggles, I/we hope you open to welcoming the angels, guides, and ancestors who surround each of you... waiting to do the same, if and when you decide to invite them into your life. BeLoved. Be. Well... these holiday seasons... and beyond. 

War is never the answer, whether within us or without us... out in the greater world. We can lay our weapons down and let the world "leaders" do any killing themselves, rather than killing and causing pain to one another's family units. If soldiers can stop battling for an hour or a day during the holidays, we can simply refuse to battle wars or kill others... at all. WE. CAN. CHANGE. THE. WORLD. We diffused Season Essentials Essential Oil Blend as we prepared to and composed this track. 

This song was recorded in the 432Hz range so please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to it, as it may induce sleep or trance-like states in some living BE-ings. Consult your wellness practitioners before listening... if you, or any pets, have any brain health or seizure concerns. For optimum affects/effects, listen to it through headphones at a lower volume than you would listen to most music.

As always, we thank you for taking the time to spend part of your day within our music and/or blogs... as a moment or measure of your own self-care practices. Be Well, Dearly BeLoved Raindrops, Who Fuel Our Soul.

Sleepy Eyes

KidScents Sleepyize Essential Oil Blend

This track was created as a self reminder... even the bravest, boldest, badass creatures lie down and rest from their calling to protect the ones around them, from time-to-time. 

It's okay to allow others to tend some of the "guarding against the ills of the world," the "shepherding of the flock," and to subdue and relax the hyper-vigilance created during past attacks and traumatic events. 

It's okay to quiet the racing mind. It's okay to truly close one's eyes and relax into a deep sleep, while allowing others to "take a turn," "watching the flock by night," so you may enjoy the warmth of the sunlight by day and at other times, you can swap and enjoy the soft glow of the various phases of the moon. On special days, one may even get to see the sun and the moon during the light of day... and know in that moment, we are not always... someone's prey. On those days we might be, it's more quickly seen if we are part of a flock... a "they..." and our hopes, thoughts, and fears... we are openly willing... to convey.

As we lie our head on our pillow, later tonight, we look forward to allowing KidScent Sleepyize essential Oil Blend to help us relax into our long awaited peaceful sleep... at long last... saying "Bonsoir..." to dreaded "encagements" from our past... aka, "the (dark) night" (of the soul.)

This song was recorded in the 432Hz range so please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to it, as it may induce sleep or trance-like states in some living BE-ings. Consult your wellness practitioners before listening... if you, or any pets, have any brain health or seizure concerns. For optimum affects/effects, listen to it through headphones at a lower volume than you would listen to most music.

As always, we thank you for taking the time to spend part of your day within our music and/or blogs... as a moment or measure of your own self-care practices. Be Well, Dearly BeLoved Raindrops, Who Fuel Our Soul.